IGNOU MEG 15 Important Questions with Solutions for December 2023 Exams

IGNOU MEG 15 Important Questions with Solutions for December 2023 Exams

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IGNOU MEG 15 Important Questions with Solutions for December 2023 Exams , MEG 15 COMPARATIVE LITERATURE : THEORY AND PRACTICE Guess papers , MEG 15 Guess Papers for Exams , IGNOU MEG 15 Important Questions/ Answers with Guess Papers. 

IGNOU MEG 15 Important Questions with Solutions for December 2023 Exams

1. Explain, with reference to context, any four of the following : 45=20

(a) Day will be erased in night.
The ground’s surface will extend outward.
The new moon will be swallowed
in eclipse, and the mind in meditation will
be completely absorbed
By the void inside it. What clothes could be
so beautiful, or more sacred ?

(b) That dark dweller in Braj
Is my only refuge
O my companion,
Worldly comfort is an illusion,
As soon you get it, it goes.

(c) As long as woman is woman, then
A man defiles her;
As long as man is man,
A woman defiles him.
When the mind’s taint is gone, is there room
for the body’s taint ?

(d) In happiness nor in sorrow, am I
Neither clean, nor a filthy mire
Not from water, nor from earth
Neither fire, nor from air, is my birth
Bulleh ! I Know, not, Who am I.

(e) Words are the only Jewels I possess
Words are the only Clothes that I wear
Words are the only food that sustains my life
Words are the only wealth I distribute
among people
Says Tuka Witness the Word He is God
I worship Him with my words

(f) When you leave off your clothes and kill your
senses, you do not please the Lord :
The man who is kind and who practises
righteousness, who remains
passive amidst the affairs of the world, who
considers all
creatures on earth as his own self,
He attains the Immortal Being, the true God
is ever with him
(g) The most unfortunate invalids on earth
came in search of health: a poor woman who
since childhood has been counting her
heartbeats and had run out of numbers; a
Portuguese man who couldn’t sleep because
the noise of the stars disturbed him; a
sleepwalker who got up at night to undo the
things he had done while awake; and many
others with less serious ailments.

(h) Meanwhile the rumour of this extraordinary
event had spread all over the city, and, as is
generally the case, not without numerous
additions. At that period there was a general
disposition to believe in the miraculous; the
public had recently been impressed by
experiments in magnetism. The story of the
floating chairs in Koniouchennaia Street was
still quite recent, and there was nothing
astonishing in hearing soon afterwards that
Major Kovaloff ’s nose was to be seen
walking every day at three o’clock on the
Neffsky Avenue.

2. What was the impact of English education in India ? How is it reflected in the writing ?

3. Do you think that oral and written literatures are mutually exclusive domains ? Why/Why not ?

4. How does a writer’s position as an outsider influence his/her writing ? Illustrate.

5. What do you understand by the term ‘Magical Realism’ ? Explain with reference to the texts you  have read.

6. Discuss the symbolic significance of light and darkness in Andha Yug.

7. In what ways does The Palace of Illusions present a counterpoint to the male voice ?

8. Why do you think stories are retold from different perspectives ? Explain using examples. 

9. What are the various life roles played by Draupadi in Yajnaseni ? 

10. Attempt a character sketch of Choma as brought out in Choma’s Drum.

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